Hersh Rephun
Nov 10, 2020
The Schmuckhole, c.2020

It’s an irritating and shameful spectacle. To watch Mike Pompeo, Bill Barr, McConnell & Graham and others feed themselves into the mouth of their candidate in an attempt to pacify him is to know that no amount of old white bilious lard can fill the void. But as big as that hole is, there’s another on the horizon.

It’s imminent arrival heralds a NEW TERM. Not a term as President; Trump was given one and one was more than enough to prove him a deleterious disgrace. A NEW TERM is needed for WHERE Trump, his collaborators, cronies, enablers and apologists will inevitably end up.

That term is SCHMUCKHOLE.

Yes, they will kick, scream, resist, fight, curse, cheat, lie and grab, but they will all disappear into the SCHMUCKHOLE of history. No one can take that away from them, they’ve earned this end, and they’ve sealed this fate.

As for Trump voters, they made a choice on their ballots. And the candidate’s behavior since election night has left them with another: do they choose to stand up and unite as Americans, bringing healthy debate to an ongoing discourse? Or do they follow this pathetic dishonorable example with a schmuckaholic dive into the abyss?



Hersh Rephun

Comedian, Creative Director, Publicist, Podcaster, Screenwriter, Standup Spirit Ambassador. Gen X-bred. Gen Z-approved.