Too Stupid to Live? or Too Smart to Live Stupid?

a Choice on Election Eve, 2020

Hersh Rephun
5 min readOct 19, 2020

As November 3rd approaches, millions are already voting, millions more will wait until Election Day, and millions more than that will not vote at all. The question at hand may not be “What kind of world do we want to leave for our children?” but rather, “What vision of the world do we want to live in?”

With the polarization of the US, it’s become an either-or — science or fiction, masked or maskless, hate or be hated…the list of options goes on and on.

Rather than reiterate the fears so many have expressed regarding the dangers that persist and loom should Donald Trump retain power through this election cycle…I thought it might be healthier to shed those fears and embrace the vision on the right. Why paint a stark picture, when we can use our imaginations to conjure a best-case scenario that reflects what Trumpers must be dreaming of? Who knows? After all, if they can live happily in their world, why can’t we?

Close your eyes. Picture THIS: a diverse array of Americans with varying backgrounds and interests — from White Southerners and forever-birthers, to East Coast Bankers, KKK members, Proud Boys, NeoNazis, Orthodox Jews, QANON, Evangelical Christians, Candace Owens’ BLEXITers, proud conservative Latinos who know Trump isn’t talking about them, bloodthirsty militias, bold bikers, and people with the kind of respiratory issues that make mask-wearing deadly, all walking arm in arm. A big tent, a melting pot of fear and delusion, somehow blended into one harmonious choir, singing in one voice!

How can we view Donald J. Trump as a divider of people, when he alone can craft a love affair between Nazis and Jews??

And look at those rallies! #SuperSpreader is a cute hashtag, but what if they’re RIGHT? What if on January 4, COVID-19 does disappear? What if the #220KdeadAmericans and counting IS fiction? I know some calls I need to make, to people I cared for whom I thought were DEAD! I’m sure you do, too. What a happy ending to a horrible hoax! (If only our pal Herman Cain were here to see this! :()

Not only is COVID-19 NOT a concern, a vaccine for this deadly China Virus is on the way in days! And if not, we have Regeneron — which as part of a million-dollar cocktail soon available to everyone for free, infused President Trump with superhuman strength and IMMUNITY! And if what we’ve heard about #HerdImmunity is true, at a cost of just #3MillionmoreDeadAmericans, we could have 3 months of immunity to this imaginary virus!! And who cares about the long term effects of Covid, or the fact that we won’t have health insurance for these now-preexisting conditions, this crew lives for the moment!

Like Dorothy Gale in Oz, the answers were there all along — bleach, windex, light, hydroxychloroquine, Adderall, anything but a MASK and CLEAN HANDS!!! — we just needed to SEE them.

Best of all, imagine waking up each day without dread, without the cloud of depression hanging over you, in a world where we are better off today than 4 years ago, with an unprecedented booming economy that will miraculously be rebuilt exactly as he and his Dream Team of Geniuses and Felons Past, Present and Future built it the first time before things got as better than they were now…again?

And the best part, the “piece doh resistance,” is that just as he did four years ago with Hillary Clinton, DJT will put the entire #BidenCrimeFamily in jail! And in this wonderful world, no one pays taxes or serves in the military except for suckers and losers, we’ve emerged victorious over the alien cannibal pedophiles (if only our pal Jeffrey Epstein were here to see this :()(what ever happened to him anyway?), and we no longer have to live in fear of nasty women controlling themselves and same sex couples marrying themselves and really any of us having to think too hard or making any decisions for ourselves ever, ever again because this election is the last election because we did it so perfect and nice that we never have to vote again because VOTING = DISASTER.

And now our schools are open and our businesses are open and there’s no more healthcare except for the one we choose which SEEMS expensive but only to poor people who can’t afford it, or people with pre-existing conditions which WE’LL ALWAYS COVER as soon as win our court case next month AGAINST pre-existing conditions and that’s a GOOD THING. Because it’s all free to us here in Trumpland, where the climate never changes, and it’s always sunny and every day is a Great Day of the Rope!!! (wha? I just retweeted that but who knows what it means it’s just a RT (Russian Television or??), maybe I should ask my neo — meaning ‘new’! — nazi brother! BTW, what’s the Chat Room for all us UNITED NAZI YIDDISHE MILITIAS?).

And the only decisions are made by corporations thanks to our all-right all-corporate SCOTUS majority, and “justice” means our enemies — Media Baaaaaad, but by that we mean the Jew Media (not the FOX and OAN media), and by that we mean the Baaaad Jews, not the Good Jews, THE JAREDi JEWS! — and our ENEMIES of the STATE are all in jail, the Baaad Veterans and the Baaad Heroes and the Baaad former Republicans and former Presidents and the Baaaad American Bar Association, the Baaaad ADL and the Baaad Intelligence Community and the thousands of Baaad forer DOJ employees, the Baaaad Blacks, the Protest Blacks, but not the Good Blacks like Candace and Kanye and Ice Cube, basically the Good Blacks have a C or a K, Kuh-K-K in their name? And Hispanic is good if you remove the PANIC, we don’t want people to PANIC, and without the C is Good because Cuomo which is Eyetalian like that DISASTER FAUCI trying to push his SCIENCE on us, and for WHAT?!? And Cuomo rhymes with Castro and starts with C which spells C R I M E which sounds like CRIMEA (not Russia, Russia GOOOD, America BAAAAD) and Crimea sounds like MEDIA, so Crimea plus Media is the CRIMEDIA which is bad news, folks, and bad news is FAKE NEWS! Ok…FAKE NEWS!!! Whew!!! I knew I’d get back here eventually! A world without Fake News is like having no news at all…and NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!!!!!

I think I’ve got it!

Gee, but this is nice, to live in a nice world with nice people and no virus and no White House Dogs and no fear and nice hatred and my 401K is real because nothing is reel but the NEWSREEL, the official story and what a story it is, folks, coming right up 5th Avenue, right up the middle of 5th Avenue…it’s a ticker tape parade folks, with football and baseball and ok no basketball, but also no kneeling unless your kneeling before father under his eye, and oh to be a fly on the wall in father’s garage repair shop pizza shop alien cannibal handmaid court of appeals on the Great Day of the Rope…

(deep sigh)

Is it too late to change my #VOTE?

— Hersh Rephun, Iowa Voter, 10/19/2020



Hersh Rephun
Hersh Rephun

Written by Hersh Rephun

Comedian, Creative Director, Publicist, Podcaster, Screenwriter, Standup Spirit Ambassador. Gen X-bred. Gen Z-approved.

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